About the raw material

The cherry is a spherical stone fruit, the flavour and colour of which depend on the variety. The colour can vary from yellow to pink, dark red and almost completely black, while the taste ranges from the sour to the completely sweet.

In China, cherries have been cultivated for more than 3000 years and were also known by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. In the 18th century it was reintroduced in England, from where it has spread to the rest of the world.

The cherry tree blossoms around May and is harvested from June to September, when we in Denmark also import them from abroad.

Good for
You can eat the cherry fresh, but it's also great in desserts and for pickling and cooking. See more about our Skælskør Cherry Sauce here.


Did you know that we have a wide range of different fruit and berry products? At Skælskør Frugtplantage® you will find everything from beautiful, colourful and tasty jams to fruit porridge in a wide variety of flavours. Our aim is to offer you, the consumer, a wide range of delicious flavours that meet your needs without compromising on good, traditional taste and quality.