Strawberry cheesecake ice cream with vanilla biscuits

  • 6 hours and 45 min. (working time approx. 15 min.)
  • 8-10 persons
Rated 4 out of 5


  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 2 dl whipping cream
  • 200 g natural cream cheese
  • 2 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 15 biscuits with vanilla cream, e.g. Oreos with vanilla cream
  • 1 package Skælskør Strawberry Porridge


1. Beat the condensed milk with the cream, cream cheese, vanilla sugar and lemon juice at high speed until smooth and creamy.

2. Roughly crush the biscuits and gently fold them into the cream with the strawberry cream.

3. Turn it over only a few times so that there are still streaks of strawberry porridge on the surface.

4. Freeze ice min. 6 hours, and thaw slowly in the refrigerator about ½ hour before serving.

5. Serve the ice cream with fresh strawberries or garnish with a few extra biscuits.


Did you know that we have a wide range of different fruit and berry products? At Skælskør Frugtplantage® you will find everything from beautiful, colourful and tasty jams to fruit porridge in a wide variety of flavours. Our aim is to offer you, the consumer, a wide range of delicious flavours that meet your needs without compromising on good, traditional taste and quality.